Census 2020 Whyit counts to be counted! New Mexicans stand to receive more than $6 billion based on the data collected by the 2020 Census. These dollars fund programs for seniors, parents, and kids. Funding also goes for roads, public housing, public safety, schools, and more. Stand up and be counted! Your community counts on you! For more information, visit www.icountnm.gov Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Census 2020/Complete Count Committee United States Census 2020 COUNT NM Census 2020 Whyit counts to be counted! New Mexicans stand to receive more than $6 billion based on the data collected by the 2020 Census. These dollars fund programs for seniors, parents, and kids. Funding also goes for roads, public housing, public safety, schools, and more. Stand up and be counted! Your community counts on you! For more information, visit www.icountnm.gov Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Census 2020/Complete Count Committee United States Census 2020 COUNT NM